Unfortunately my boyfriend back home lost his grandma yesterday afternoon. Although, they knew the moment was coming due to her advanced stage of dementia, it is still difficult to lose a loved one. I did not know my boyfriend’s grandma well, but nonetheless it is a reminder of how precious and fragile life is. My thoughts and prays are with his family.
For me the hardest thing about death is understanding why the lives of certain people are ended while others are spared. Some have lived out their lives on this Earth, content with what they have accomplished and therefore are ready to move on. Others have their lives stripped away before they can finish the journey they have begun. I only wish the former on people; however, I know that death is something we as humans have little control over.
The death of anyone is tragic and it is difficult to face the reality of it at times. It is hard to grasp the concept that they are physically not here anymore; you only have the memories of them. For many this is hard because the memories of the people they have lost are so fresh that it feels like this is a dream and they will see them tomorrow, but their logic tells them otherwise. Embracing the death of someone is difficult no matter the circumstance, but we must remember the moments we had with that person.
With life comes death and with death comes new life. Death is unavoidable and we should be grateful for the moments we shared with that person. Their death should be celebrated because they have moved on to a greater place.
I am very fortunate for the people around me and I pray for their safety.
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