Friday, October 12, 2012

Crowded Bus

Callie and I went shopping again except this time Holly joined us and we went to the larger mall on the other side of the island.

To get there we obviously had to take the bus. In Fargo we have a bus system, but the system is very inefficient and hardly anyone I know takes it. Additionally, places in Fargo are easily accessible and it is more convenient and faster to drive oneself. In Tromsø the majority of the city population takes the bus because it is easily accessible and driving in Norway is very expensive. To obtain a driver’s license one has to take a series of five driving tests and has to pay a fee of around $1,000.

Picture of how crowded the bus gets

A lot of people especially students take the bus on a daily bus. Therefore, at times the bus becomes quite crowded and people are shoved into the bus. On this day in particular the bus was crowded. All the seats were taken and people lined the isles of the bus pushing up against one another. The bus driver had to skip stops since it couldn’t take on any more passengers. In case you were wondering the city bus can hold 96 people total, 50 people sitting and 46 people standing. This is a lot of people on one bus.

For the most part taking the bus isn’t that bad, but when it becomes crowded like it was today, I think about the luxury of driving back home. I know I will appreciate being able to drive and go somewhere on my own time. For now I am grateful that there is a bus system I am able to use.

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