Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Market

There were no major plans today, except for Callie and I going to the market early in the morning. At the market we bought a few groceries and then walked around the dock area. From the dock we looked out onto the pristine water. The water was so clear that we could see the little fish sitting at the bottom.

View from the harbor, you can see Tromsdalstinden in the background with snow!

While looking at the boats and surrounding scenery we noticed something, Tromsdalstinden had snow! There was already snow collecting on the mountain. That means the steep path we took to climb the mountain would be closed for the rest of the season. Hopefully the other path is still open. It would be fun to the summit the mountain while there is snow on top.

Since the morning was so beautiful we decided to walk around the city center some more. On the main street Storgata we walked by many shops and restaurants. Also on our walk we passed by the main city library. From our tour at the beginning of the semester we had learned that the library used to be a movie theater. The building was stunning and was definitely something you wouldn't find in Fargo. 

The main city library in Tromsø

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